1954 Born in Yerevan, Armenia
1978-1984 Studied at Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts
1983-1988 Art producer at Yerevan Youth Theatre
Since 1985 Member of Artists' Union of Armenia
Since 2000 is working at National Cinema Center, Yerevan, Armenia
Has illustrated 25 children books.
Group Exhibitions
1990 New Academy Gallery London, England
1990 Armenian Avant-garde Artists group show Kassel, Germany
1994 Stream of Fire: New Art from Armenia Nicosia, Cyprus
1995 Moscow days of Armenian Culture Moscow, Russia
1995 Bochum days of Armenian Culture Bochum, Germany
2007 Orangerie du Luxembourg Musée D'Art Moderne D'Armenie Paris, France
2008 I colori dell Armenia, Castel Sant'Angelo Roma, Italy
2010 New Masterpieces of Arame Art Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2011 UNESCO Palace Beirut, Lebanon
2011 Contemporary Art Istanbul, Turkey
2012 Grand Opening of a New Art Center of Arame Art Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2012 "Symphony of Colors" Beirut, Lebanon
2013 10th Anniversary of Arame Art Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2013 Selected Art Works Beirut, Lebanon
2013 AGBU Contemporary Armenian Art Pasadena, USA
2013 Contemporary Art Istanbul, Turkey
2013 "Sensual Revelations" Beirut, Lebanon
2013 Representing Arame Art Gallery in Las Vegas USA
2014 "Beauty in the Palm'' Beirut, Lebanon
2015 Representing Arame Art Gallery USA
2015 ‘’Artworks of Honorable Artists’’ USA
2015 ‘’Inner Lighthouse’’ Beirut, Lebanon
2016 Armenian Masters of Contemporery Art USA
2016 Representing the book ”Art Beyond Time” Yerevan, Armenia
2016 “Enchanted Reality” Beirut, Lebanon
2017 ‘’Beirut Art Fair’’ Beirut Lebanon
2017 ‘’Celebration of Dreams’’ Beirut, Lebanon
2018 ‘’World Art Dubai’’ Dubai
2018 ''Reality of Bliss'' Beiruit , Lebanon
2018 "Beirut Art Fair" Beirut, Lebanon
2018 ‘’Between Heaven and Earth’’ Beirut, Lebanon
2019 “Contemporary Armenian Fine Art” Kuwait
2019 ''Daydreams on Canvas'' Beirut, Lebanon
2019 "Beirut Art Fair" Beirut Lebanon
2019 “Symphony of Colours” Kuwait
2020 – “Spring Salon 2020”. Artist’s Union of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
Personal exhibitions
1999 Gallery Caribe Sao Paulo, Brazil
2004 “Terra Nova” at Academy Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2015 16 December, Arame Art Gallery Presents «Inner Lighthouse» in Beirut, Lebanon
2016, 27 May, Representing the book ”Art Beyond Time”
2016, 18 December, Arame Art Gallery Presents “Enchanted Reality” in Beirut, Lebanon
2017, 24 November, Arame Art Gallery Presents «Celebration of Dreams» in Beirut, Lebanon
2018, 9 December, Arame Art Gallery Presents ‘’Between Heaven and Earth’’ in Beirut, Lebanon
2019, 18-22 Sept. "Beirut Art Fair"
2022 Under the patronage of the Kuwait National Council for Culture, Arts & Letters “Armenian Art” in Kuwait with the collaboration of Aramé Art Gallery, presents “Magical Transformations” – a unique art exhibition featuring more than 90 beautiful artworks
Ruben Grigorian’s refined paintings resonate with symbolic significance. His choice of subjects is arbitrary: he will paint a goat’s head, a bit of a Renaissance painting, a hunk of raw meat, or a closed door. Within a geometric compositional order, he allows the disparate meaning of his subjects to bounce against each other.
Grigorian has perfected his skill as a painter, and each canvas reflects his virtuosity in rendering. But a comprehensive meaning for each picture remains elusive; his surreal juxtapositions seem irrational, electric, and even ironic. He compares his works with physical trajectory of a glance.
Kathryn Hixson
Art critic
Asked why he started to paint, Ruben Grigorian answers without hesitation. “The smell of oils. We had neighbours when I was a child who were artists and I was drawn to their studio by the smell of their paints. Even now, I love that smell.”
His own studio, shared with his artist wife, occupies a small back room of their flat. It smells of neither paint nor white spirit nor anything else. It is scrupulously clean. In one corner his brushers, ranked by size, sit in jars on a narrow shelf, On the wall beside them, pallet knives, staples, stencils, scissors hang in their allotted place.
Grigorian himself is a small, neat man whose quiet assurance seems to defy the chaos and difficulties of the last few years. “The changes have been challenging, of course. As an artist I have found it a very stimulating period. But it’s not just what’s been happening here, the collapse of Soviet Union. It appears there’s a shift in the whole global situation. I am interested in the eclecticism of these changes, how they seem to pull in both East and West-Armenia is the kind of joint between them”.
Philip Marsden