1960 Born in Yerevan, Armenia
1974-1980 Studied at Art Studio, Yerevan, Armenia
1982-1984 Studied at Art College, department of Graphic, Riga, Latvia
Since 2014 Tigran Matulian holds the title of Honorable Artist of Republic of Armenia
Personal Exhibitions
1995 Chamber Theatre Exhibition Hall Yerevan, Armenia
1996 Hamazgain Center Yerevan, Armenia
1997 Hamazgain Center Yerevan, Armenia
2000 Noah's Arch Art Gallery Beirut, Lebanon
2007 Gabone Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2011 Modern Art Museum Yerevan, Armenia
2012 Modern Art Museum of Yerevan
2013 New York, USA
2016 Copenhagen, Denmark
2018 Istanbul, Turkey
2021 Aramé Art Gallery presented a unique art show featuring the works of Tigran Matulian and Margarita Matulian in Beirut, Zaitunay Bay Branch
2024 Aramé Art Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
Group Exhibitions
1997 Armenian Artists at the Threshold of the XXl Century Yerevan, Armenia
1998 Devoted to the 1700th Anniversary of Christianity in Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
1999 National Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2000 Decade of Armenian Art Beirut, Lebanon
2006 France in Armenian Artists' Eye-view Yerevan, Armenia
2007 Orangerie du Luxembourg Musée d`art moderne d`Armenie Paris, France
2007 The 16th Lantern of the East International Art Festival Yerevan, Armenia
2007 I colori dell`Armenia Rome, Italy
2009 Artists' Union of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
2010 Art Center of Haigazian University Beirut, Lebanon
2010 New Masterpieces of Arame Art Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2011 UNESCO Palace Beirut, Lebanon
2011 Contemporary Art Istanbul, Turkey
2012 Grand Opening of a New Art Center of Arame Art Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2012 "Symphony of Colors" Beirut, Lebanon
2013 10th Anniversary of Arame Art Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2013 Selected Art Works Beirut, Lebanon
2013 AGBU Contemporary Armenian Art Pasadena, USA
2013 "Sensual Revelations" Beirut, Lebanon
2013 Representing Arame Art Gallery Las Vegas,USA
2014 Selected Art Works 2014 Vienna, Austria
2014 "Beauty in the Palm'' Beirut, Lebanon
2015 ‘’Artworks of Honorable Artists’’ USA
2015 ''Inner Lighthouse'' Beirut, Lebanon
2016 ‘’Armenian Masters of Contemporary Art’’ USA
2016 Representing the book ”Art Beyond Time” Yerevan, Armenia
2016 “Enchanted Reality” Beirut, Lebanon
2017 ''Beirut Art Fair'' Beirut, Lebanon
2017 ‘’Celebration of Dreams’’ Beirut, Lebanon
2018 ''World Art Dubai '' Dubai
2018 A unique art show dedicated to 15th anniversary of the foundation of Arame′ Art Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2018 "Beirut Art Fair" Beirut Lebanon
2018 ''Between Heaven and Earth’’ Beirut, Lebanon
2019 “Contemporary Armenian Fine Art” Kuwait
2019 ''Daydreams on Canvas'' Beirut, Lebanon
2019 "Beirut Art Fair" Beirut, Lebanon
2019 “Symphony of Colours” Kuwait
2019 “Contemporary Armenian Fine Art” Kuwait
2019 Beirur Art Fair
2020 10th Anniversary Beirut Branch
2022 “Magical Transformations” Armenian Art Exhibition in Kuwait
2022 ‘’Masterpiece Show’’ Beirut, Zaitunay Bay Branch
Tigran Matulian's works are part of the collection and permanent exhibition of Modern Art Museum of Armenia, Arame Art Gallery, Fine Art Galleries of Shoushi and Kashatagh, National Gallery of Armenia, Khrimian Museum of the Holy See Echmiadzin, History Museum of Yerevan.
Having found his theme once, Tigran Matulian follows it very seriously and consistently, trying to experience all its profundity. There is no doubt, that the source of the artist’s inspiration is the East, with its refined sense of decorativeness. The aesthetic passion of Matulian towards the ornament, which is far from any concrete historic style, associatively refers to Byzantine mosaic and ornamental art, to Armenian, Persian carpets and fabrics, to Indian printed clothes. His masterly, organically vivid pattern expresses the complicated attitude of the artist towards the invisible, mysterious aspects of life.
Marina Stepanian
Art critic
Tigran Matulian belongs to those artists, about whom we can say, that the virtue of their art lies in its specific character, but not in the synchronism of the reflection of the reality. His artistic manner, which is not deprived of the sweet smack of the oriental splendor, is liberated and directly connected with the development of the thinking. The charming world of oriental tale as dissonance intrudes into the reality, which is full of profound social and spiritual shocks, into the era of scientific discoveries , which do not diminish ,by any means, the part of the unknown and inscrutable. Tigran abstracts the reality, ciphers a certain object, or the eternal notions of love, passion, expectations by an abstract form, but he never burns the bridges between the figurativeness and abstractness. As well as the objective world, the abstract one exists in the artist’s consciousness as an inner necessity, and it becomes original, natural. The bold-color dramatic composition of Tigran’s artworks is being materialized in the intricate design, ornament, which arouse quite concrete associations with the oriental carpets, textiles and jewelry. It is a special world , another reality, which has no connection with the world around us, and which is perceived only emotionally.
Zara Airoumian
Art critic