1978 Born in Yerevan, Armenia
1996-2000 Studied at the Panos Terlemezian Arts College
2002 Group Exhibition Lyon, France
2005 Exhibition in New York USA
2008 Republican Exhibition at Artists’ Union of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2008 Exhibition dedicated to the memory of Armenian Genocide, State Museum of Yerevan, Yerevan, Armenia
2008 Republican Youth Exhibition, Yerevan, Armenia
2008 “Armenian Nature” Republican Exhibition at Artists’ Union of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
2009 “Springtime Melody” Republican Exhibition at Artists’ Union of Armenia,
Yerevan, Armenia
2010 “Springtime Melody” Republican Exhibition devoted to the 8thof March at Artists’ Union of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2010 Republican Youth Exhibition of one art work at Artists’ Union of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2011 Exhibition-contest of artworks of young members of the Artists’ Union of Armenia, Union of Russian Armenians, Moscow, Russia
2011 Joint Exhibition of the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia and Artists’ Union of Armenia dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia (prizewinner), Yerevan, Armenia
2012 Winner of The Republican Youth Exhibition-contest (with the art work “Big Appetite”) at Artists’ Union of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2013 Exhibition in Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
2013 Republican Exhibition devoted to the 8thof March at Artists’ Union of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2013 Republican Exhibition at Artists’ Union of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2015 «Inner Lighthouse» Beirut, Lebanon
2017 ''Collective Exhibition'' in Artists' Union of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
2019 ''Spring Exhibition'' in Artists' Union of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
2023 Arpine’s works were presented at Aramé Art Gallery’s exhibition “Silent Awakening” in celebration of International Women’s Day.
The works of Arpine Kettsian have solutions which are peculiar only to her way of creating. Different stylistic manners and various features assure us that she has a big compass of artist. The main subject of works is the inner world of man, heroes are all the people surrounding us.
They are thoroughly and very typically presented. Each work is independent and unique in itself. The basis of all these is the ideology of beauty. Though she is still young but one can definitely feel confident “handwriting ” in her works.
Haik Petrosian
The beauty and plasticity of the female body, the attractive nightdress with provocative cuts, the gentle bending of one knee, the drastic twist of the head with the hand passing sensually through the hair as if seducing someone: all these gestures and details flow into a harmonious music to unravel the mysterious union between the Night and the Woman.
Mané Sarkissian