Mher Mansurian (1943 - 2022)
Mansurian was born in Beirut, Lebanon
1947 His family moved to Armenia
1969 Graduated from Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts, department of painting
1979 Moved to France.
His works are exhibited in different countries (USA, Australia, France) and kept in private collections.
Group Exhibitions
1975 Artists’ Union of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
1976 Modern Art Museum Yerevan, Armenia
1977 Artists’ Union of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
1979 Exhibition in Baltic Countries Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn
1980 Exhibition at “l'Audiovisuel” exhibition hall Paris, France
1981 Exhibition at “Alek Manoukian” center France
1981 Exhibition “Armenia: Open doors” directed by Carzou France
1985 Exhibition at “Moscow-Petersburg” gallery Paris, France
1986 Exhibition at “l'Audiovisuel” gallery Paris, France
1987-88 Basmajian exhibition hall Paris, France
1989 Artists’ Union of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
1990 Artists’ Union of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
2016 “Enchanted Reality” Beirut, Lebanon
2018 A unique art show dedicated to 15th anniversary of the foundation of Arame′ Art Gallery Yerevan, Armenia
2019 Collective Exhibition in Artists Union of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
Personal Exhibitions
1991 “Yade” exhibition hall France
2009 National Gallery of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia
2013 “Academia” gallery Yerevan, Armenia
Since 2013 he is permanently exposed at Arame Art Gallery.
Symbols to Life, Beauty and Truth…
Mher Mansuryan is a very talented and gifted Armenian painter, who lives and creates in France.
Once Mher Mansurian was asked, why he practically never painted people, and he answered with a half smile that his paintings were only about people. We can see his famous mysterious smile in his every painting.
As Mher Mansurian tells, one day, while walking by a fruit market, he noticed a discarded but undamaged green leaf on a heap of rubbish. He picked it up, took it home and put it in a vase full of fresh water. After a while, he was pleasantly surprised to find the leaf was actually developing some roots. Full of gratitude and joy, Mher painted the vase with the leaf as a symbol to life, beauty and truth…
In his early period his palette was full of bright colors, but now gray with its tones is the main color in his works. Looking at his paintings one must try to find the inner world of subjects, which as if is hidden deeply inside them… Subjects in his paintings at first sight are very similar, but it is not so at all.
His still-lifes, which are created with photographic precision, contain lyricism, mystery and transparency at the same time. They are lucid and restful. With all its simplicity the painter accentuates every detail of utensil.
Mher Mansurian is a symbolist painter. He has a unique technique of painting and is a master of details.
Tatev Manvelian
Art Critic